
Day of solidarity

In 2017 Schulich Law student Marta Miazek addressed fellow students and Schulich Law Faculty   for Day of Solidarity, an event created to promote unity and understanding in the wake of President Trump’s controversial immigration and refugee policies. In similar gatherings in law schools across the country, students came together to learn about Islam. At Schulich Law a moment of silence served  to acknowledge the victims of the recent mosque shooting in Quebec City. “I stand here not looking like what you see as an average Muslim brother or sister, but I feel the pain that they feel,” said Miazek. Speaking of her conversion to Islam in July  2016, Miazek described the religion as “congruent with how I wanted to worship the Creator. God is beneficent and merciful. That’s really been the experience of Islam in my life.”




Homage to Muslim-Indigenous interfaith relations


Conversation with frontline defender Anushka Azadi